Thinkwell Designs “Chile Experience” for China

President Sebastian Piñera Announces the Launch of“Chile Experience” Development Plans for China


The Chile Experience will be Chile’s home away from home in China


BEIJING, CHINA (Thursday April 25, 2019) - Today the partnership of Wines of Chile and Lam International announced at the Beijing Media Conference the launching of ”Chile Experience” an immersive Culture Park is being developed for China with the purpose of strengthening the friendship between the peoples of Chile and China for years to come by creating a place that would bring together Chilean culture, products and investment opportunities in a way that is fun, experiential, educational and memorable.

中国北京(2019 年 4 月 25 日,星期四)- 今日,智利葡萄酒协会和上海恒雅国际贸易有限公司在智利风情北京新闻发布会启动仪式上联合宣布,将在中国开发一个沉浸式文化乐园,集智利文化、智利产品和投资机会为一体,通过趣味十足、体验丰富、寓教于乐和令人难忘的方式,加强中国与智利两国人民的友谊。

“The Chile Experience will bring a taste of Chile to our Chinese friends by not only showcasing Chilean wines, food, and other authentic products from Chile, but it will also feature immersive high-tech attractions that will connect our guests with the culture of Chile." said Wines of Chile representative Julio Alonso.


Lam Yau Sun of Lam International noted “The Chile Experience truly demonstratesthe spirit of One Belt One Road, as she promotes understanding, trade and investments between the peoples of China and Chile through engagements (food, shopping,  entertainment, cultural events) that are fun, learning, experiential, and memorable. This is Chile’s home away from home and we hope our project will incentivize more Chinese to visit Chile and vice versa for generations to come.”


Thinkwell Asia Vice President Randy Ewing and President Kelly Ryner with Lam Yau Sun of LamInternational

思客未来亚太区副总裁 Randy Ewing 和总裁 Kelly Ryner 同上海恒雅国际贸易有限公司的负责人林有信 先生

To ensure a high-quality immersive experience,  Alonso and Lam turned to guest experience and  theme park development experts Thinkwell Group to bring their big idea to life. “We are elated to be a part of this team” said Kelly Ryner, President of Thinkwell Asia “the Chilean culture and country has so much to choose from that this is going to be a wonderful place to visit for the whole family.”

为了打造高质量的沉浸式体验,阿朗索和林有信先生与游客体验和主题乐园设计专家Thinkwell集团强强联手,为这个概念赋予鲜活的生命。“我们十分激动能成为‘智利风情’团队中的一分子”,Thinkwell亚太区总裁 Kelly Ryner 说道。“智利及其文化具有十分丰富的内涵,因此‘智利风情’定会成为引人注目的家庭式游乐目的地。

The Chilean adventure will capture the vast extremes of the regions of Chile and express them through 4 zones. While each zone is uniquely themed/programmed, includes a wine/dining experience, and contains a Key Attraction, collectively they bring a singular experience & adventure from the furthest point half-way around the world — one that guests could only get from Chile.

智利风情通过四个片区,展示其广阔的地貌和众多地区的风情。每个片区都有其独特的主题和体验内容,包括一个葡萄酒/ 餐饮体验和一个核心游乐设施。但四个片区又融为一体,在地球的另一端打造出独特的冒险之旅,为游客呈现只有在智利才能体验到的精彩内容。

Zone 1 - Green Gateway: Santiago & Valparaiso

Marked by 19th century European architecture, vibrant colors, music and dance performances, and a marketplace liveliness that serves as the gateway to the greens of the wine lands of Central Chile. Featured is an attraction that uses state-of-the-art VR motion platform technology allowing guests to expertly navigate the famous, albeit insane downhill street course of colorful Valparaiso on mountain bikes.

区域一 - 绿色入口:圣地亚哥和瓦尔帕莱索

这一区域有 19 世纪欧式建筑、鲜艳的色彩、音乐和舞蹈表演及热闹的集市,成为人们了解智利中部葡萄园的门户。最具特色的是依托于一流动感平台技术的 VR 游乐设施,让游客如专业人士一样,熟练地骑着山地自行车沿着闻名遐迩的小巷一路冲下山坡,体验五彩斑斓的瓦尔帕莱索。

Zone 2 - Atacama Sands & Skies
One end of the extremes within the spectrum of a Chilean adventure, the arid but beautiful vitas of the Atacama Desert provide the perfect backdrop to open up the clearest skies that exist on the planet. Among the key attractions is “Fly Through Chile” a flying theater experience, simulating flying over the vast landscape of Chile.

区域二 - 阿塔卡玛沙漠和蓝天 


Zone 3 - Rapa Nui: Easter Island & Robinson Crusoe Island
Representative of Chilean Polynesia in Easter Island and Robinson Crusoe Island, this zone is to capture the imagination for adventurers of all ages with a walk through aquarium and dry-for-wet kids play zone.

区域三 - 拉帕努伊岛: 复活节岛和鲁宾逊克鲁索岛 


Zone 4 - Patagonia & Antarctica
Cold zone base, showcasing the adventuring spirit within the wilds and vistas of the region including a thrill coaster, boating experience and potentially some snow play.

区域四 - 巴塔哥尼亚和南极地区 


Final location and opening date is still under discussion. 


About Wines of Chile


Wines of Chile is a non-profit organization that represents Chile’s wine producers. Established in April 20, 2007, the association represents the trade unions of the industry, strengthens the image and recognition of Chilean wines in international markets, and positions the best quality and diversity of Chilean wine.

智利葡萄酒协会为非营利组织,是智利葡萄酒制造商的代表。自 2007 年 4 月 20 日成立之初,致力于代表行业工会,提升智利葡萄酒在国际市场的形象和知名度,并定位智利葡萄酒的最佳质量和品种。

About Lam International


Lam International Limited Company is a foreign funded enterprise headquartered in Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China. The company has three main business areas: investment banking, global online platforms, international trade & investment. To support our investment in Hainan and Hefei, we have registered our company in Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Area, with a registered capital of RMB 100 million.

上海恒雅国际贸易有限公司为外资企业,总部位于中国最高建筑上海中心大厦。公司业务集中于三个领域:投资银行业务、全球化线上平台、国际贸易与投资。为支持海南与合肥的投资项目,公司注册于上海自由贸易试验区,注册资本 1 亿人民币。

Contact: Office: 86-21-68883628

联系方式: 办公电话: 86-21-68883628

Beijing, China - President Peñera of Chile with Lam Yau Sun of Lam International at the ribbon cuttingannouncing the Chile Experience destination park for China
北京,中国-智利总统 Peñera 和上海恒雅国际贸易有限公司负责人林有信先生在智利风情项目发布会现场进行剪彩

About Thinkwell Group


Founded in 2001, headquartered in Los Angeles with offices Beijing, Abu Dhabi, Montreal and Riyadh, Thinkwell is a creative, collaborative group specializing in strategy, planning, design and production of location-based entertainment projects worldwide. For more than 18 years, our multi-disciplinary team has created compelling experiences for a wide range of clients around the world. Thinkwell projects have received more than 30 Awards for excellence including Thea Awards, The Telly Awards and IES Illumination Awards. The award-winning company has become a leader in experiential design by bringing a unique holistic approach to every creative engagement, delivering extraordinary results to notable clients over the years, including Fortune 500 companies, movie studios, museums, theme parks and destination resorts.

Thinkwell 成立于 2001 年,总部位于洛杉矶,在北京、阿布扎比、蒙特利尔和利雅得设有分公司。Thinkwell 是一家合作型创意公司,专注于世界各地实景娱乐项目的策略制定、规划、设计和制作。过去 18 年里,公司的跨专业团队为世界各地众多客户打造了引人入胜的体验。Thinkwell 的项目曾荣获 30 余项奖项,包括主题娱乐协会 Thea 大奖,泰利奖和 IES 照明奖。这家屡获殊荣的公司将独特、全面的设计手法带入了每一个创意项目中,成为了体验设计的先驱,为众多知名客户打造了超乎寻常的体验,服务客户包括世界 500 强公司、电硬制作公司、博物馆、主题乐园和度假目的地。

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更多信息,请浏览,或者拨打+86.10.6539.2628 联系我们的北京分公司。

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